Ziv Ezra Cohen, M.D.
Copyright Principium Psychiatry, PLLC. All rights reserved.
Manhattan TMS
He is available for consultation on medical-legal issues, for forensic psychiatric evaluations and record reviews, and for expert testimony.
Dr. Cohen teaches principles of forensic psychiatry to forensic psychiatry fellows at the Columbia-Cornell Forensic Psychiatry Fellowship, and to psychiatry residents at Weill Cornell Medical College.
He has written and presented on a variety of forensic psychiatric topics, including:
Ziv Ezra Cohen, M.D., has special training in forensic psychiatry. He completed research and clinical fellowships in forensic psychiatry at Columbia University. There, he conducted research on veterans in the criminal justice system, competency to stand trial, and PTSD arguments in criminal defense. He gained experience in the correctional setting, and preparing reports for the court.
Dr. Cohen has served as an expert witness in civil and criminal matters, in state and federal court. He has submitted reports and testified on various forensic psychiatric matters, including mental state at the time of the offense, competency, child custody, post traumatic stress disorder, and psychiatric standard of care. He is President of the Tristate Chapter of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, the professional organization for forensic psychiatrists.
@ Principium Psychiatry